Deb Dutta

Deb M Dutta is a content marketer who runs a blog that explains the power of content marketing and using the right tools to grow businesses organically. Learn more about her work at

Traditional market research – like running in-person focus groups or analyzing complicated consumer data – is often time-consuming and costly, causing delays that frustrate managers, designers, and marketers. If you …

TikTok has exploded in popularity over the last few years, becoming one of the most widely used social media platforms worldwide. As of 2023, TikTok had over 843.3 million active …

Do you know how lucrative and promising the mobile game industry is? Statista reports that: There are also opportunities to use AI and augmented reality to create new games. The …

Are you looking for the key to making your brand stand out in a competitive e-commerce space? If so, you need to understand and properly leverage the concept of a …

Do you want your mobile game to capture your target audience’s attention and rank as a top game in the app store? The key to making this happen is a …

Leveraging customer feedback the right way can skyrocket your business’, website’s, or app’s performance. But it isn’t enough to skim customer reviews on product pages and social media or send …

So you’re thinking about rebranding your company. Are you excited about the rebrand? Or perhaps you’re concerned about getting it right? After all, rebranding can be a big risk – …

There’s no better time than the present to learn about generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the e-commerce space, especially Amazon. In fact, research firm Gartner discovered that as of …

Getting your product packaging right is just as important as perfecting the product itself. A well-designed package catches your customers’ attention, makes a good first impression, and ensures the product …

Quick. Easy. Affordable. These are the words you want to hear when seeking the best user testing solution. Whether you’re a UX designer, researcher, or marketer, you know the importance …