Check out 3 surveys targeting work industry. Learn how they pose their questions and view the written responses.
This is a 3 option poll with 30 respondents targeting Work industry (Information Services And Data Processing, Scientific / Technical Services, Professional / Business Services, Software).
This is a 2 option poll with 50 respondents targeting Work industry (Finance And Insurance, Professional / Business Services). A sample of responses:
This is a 1 option poll with 30 respondents targeting Work industry (Homemaker, Construction, Government And Public Administration, Health Care And Social Assistance), Age range (35 44, 25 34), and Amazon Prime member (Yes). A sample of responses:
Work Industry targeting is often combined with age range targeting, gender identity targeting, education level targeting, amazon prime member targeting, small business owner targeting, household income range targeting, favorite book genres targeting, online shopping marketplaces targeting, and environmentally conscious shopper targeting.