Check out 4 surveys targeting online shopping marketplaces. Learn how they pose their questions and view the written responses.
This is a 4 option poll with 30 respondents targeting Online shopping marketplaces (Wayfair, Walmart.Com, Amazon) and Age range (25 34, 35 44, 18 24). A sample of responses:
This is a 1 option poll with 100 respondents targeting Frequently purchased toys (Science And Optical, Creative Toys, Physical Activity And Dexterity, Model Building, Puzzle / Assembly, Educational Toys, Games), Hobbies and interests (Travel, Reading, Photography / Videography, Technology, Health And Fitness, Board/Tabletop Games, Card Collecting, Arts And Crafts), Online shopping marketplaces (Walmart.Com, Etsy, Rakuten, E Bay, Amazon), and Amazon Prime member (Yes). A sample of responses:
This is a 2 option poll with 15 respondents targeting Employment status (Part Time, Full Time), Online shopping marketplaces (Amazon), Gender identity (Female), and Age range (55 64, 45 54). A sample of responses:
This is a 3 option poll with 30 respondents targeting Online shopping marketplaces (Amazon). A sample of responses:
Online Shopping Marketplaces targeting is often combined with age range targeting, gender identity targeting, amazon prime member targeting, household income range targeting, favorite stores for home goods targeting, recently purchased categories targeting, racial or ethnic identity targeting, interest in cooking targeting, hobbies and interests targeting, pet owner targeting, age of kids targeting, app store spending habits targeting, type of residence targeting, tea drinking frequency targeting, smart speaker user targeting, and parents targeting.