
Quick. Easy. Affordable. These are the words you want to hear when seeking the best user testing solution. Whether you’re a UX designer, researcher, or marketer, you know the importance …

A great logo can tell a story about your brand and entice a customer to buy your product instantly. That’s why business owners or marketers like you need to design …

Do you break into a sweat just thinking about picking a brand name? Whether you’re starting a new business or trying not to do a bad rebrand of your entire …

The higher up your Etsy shop appears in search engine results, the more traffic you get, which can ultimately lead to more sales and more positive reviews from customers. That’s …

Headline testing is one of the best ways to optimize your content. It doesn’t matter if you’re writing headlines or titles for your Amazon listings, content marketing campaigns, your latest …

We’ve all been using AI for a while (hello Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant!) but it seems like generative AI is all anyone can talk about these days.  It’s easy …

Google’s algorithm is one of the most sophisticated in the world – which means if you’re selling on Google, you’ll need to get under the hood, so to speak.  Google …

Does brand market research sound intimidating to you?  Collecting and analyzing marketing data can be hard and time-consuming for marketers and busy entrepreneurs. But the good news is that it …

Selling on Amazon is more than simply offering the best deal. As the world’s largest e-commerce marketplace, Amazon is a complex web of sponsored listings, algorithm recommendations, and SEO keyword …

The best way to make a profit selling on Amazon Marketplace is to let Amazon handle your product fulfillment for you. That’s what Amazon FBA is for. But maybe you’ve …