
This is How I PickFu it, our Q&A series with people who use consumer insights in their work life. Who: Anna B. David Where: Los Angeles, California What: Founder & CEO …

When it comes to book cover design, it might seem like only the major details matter. But as one author discovered in this PickFu poll, the most minute details can …

Here’s a secret many writers don’t know before they get published: your book title might change after you sign a contract with a publisher. Depending on the publisher, you may …

Not everyone is as lucky as fiction writers, who can get away with being pantsers. That’s writer-speak for “drafting by the seat of your pants” instead of following an outline …

It’s hard to believe that writers used to pen entire novels by hand. It makes sense that some revered works of literature are extremely long and wordy, because they didn’t …

Why you should know how to format a book for Kindle Once upon a time, writers relied on traditional publishing to get their books in front of an audience. And …

When a potential reader is scanning the shelves at their local bookstore, a few things catch their eye and make them pick up your book. First are the title and …

Editor’s Note: Thanks to Caleb Kaiser at for contributing the following guest post. The publishing world earned its reputation for being opaque. If you want even basic data points, …

A book’s title is its calling card. It’s how a potential reader finds your book. It’s how a satisfied reader talks about it to a friend. So when it’s time …