
Boost your book marketing efforts by using PickFu to test book titles and covers with potential readers targeted by literary preference, reading frequency, and more.

One of the hardest things for authors to do is summarize an entire story idea in just a few sentences. But if you’re an author who wants to market a …

Book cover designers have one of the trickiest jobs in the industry. They have to create covers that attract the largest possible number of potential customers. This is especially important …

Why you should know how to format a book for Kindle Once upon a time, writers relied on traditional publishing to get their books in front of an audience. And …

When a potential reader is scanning the shelves at their local bookstore, a few things catch their eye and make them pick up your book. First are the title and …

While PickFu is incredibly useful for ebook authors, it’s also a vital testing tool for authors who plan to publish their books in print. One author recently tested four print …

Most business owners are interested in books about marketing. But what if you wrote a book about account-based marketing (ABM) — a strategy in which the standard funnel gets flipped …

If you write an e-book, you might assume you can get away with spending less time on your book cover than someone who’s publishing a physical book. But e-book covers …

There’s a saying among writers that writing is indeed an art: the art of getting your butt in the chair, staying there without checking Facebook, and writing. Even before laptops …

It’s cliché to begin a novel with the phrase “It was a dark and stormy night.” Snoopy immortalized the moody opener by using it to start all his novels in …

Even authors who write about how to make decisions more effectively need assistance when making a decision about their book title ideas. One such author took the question to PickFu …