
Build a better business by testing your business names, ideas, logos, marketing copy, and website designs on PickFu.

There are hundreds of online survey platforms available in the market. And among them, SurveyMonkey is one of the most popular. It is also one of the oldest, making it …

Are you looking for the best way to test names for your brand or product?  After all, choosing the right name is the launchpad for business success. It’s the first …

Every business needs to stay on top of customer opinions. Customer feedback is a bridge between the boardroom and the consumer –  it should guide all your efforts, from product …

Have you ever played darts? How about blindfolded without knowing where the board is? That’s basically what launching a new startup without adequate market research is like — you’re just …

A great logo can tell a story about your brand and entice a customer to buy your product instantly. That’s why business owners or marketers like you need to design …

Do you break into a sweat just thinking about picking a brand name? Whether you’re starting a new business or trying not to do a bad rebrand of your entire …

We’ve all been using AI for a while (hello Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant!) but it seems like generative AI is all anyone can talk about these days.  It’s easy …

When you’re in the business of selling dietary supplements, you’ve got two things to consider when you’re creating product labels.  First, you must follow the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) …

One key factor decides if your mobile app is a flop or a hit: market research. However, many entrepreneurs and app developers find mobile app market research expensive, complex, and …

One piece of entrepreneurship advice you’ll hear all the time: “Know your audience.” With marketplaces today becoming more saturated and competitive, this advice is more important than ever.  Deeply understanding …