
On the internet, and especially in a competitive marketplace like Amazon, reviews matter. E-commerce sellers count on positive reviews to build their customer base. Reviews are Amazon gold, but they …

Most business owners are interested in books about marketing. But what if you wrote a book about account-based marketing (ABM) — a strategy in which the standard funnel gets flipped …

With a massive number of mobile games available to download, first impressions are critical. Showing your mobile app name ideas to players before launching in the App Store is smart. …

Since Amazon customers can’t experience your product in person, they rely on listing photos. That’s why following Amazon image requirements is crucial to making the sale. Your main listing photo …

The importance of your brand logo can’t be overstated. Every time someone comes across your brand, they’ll see your logo. As part of a successful brand image, your logo should …

If you write an e-book, you might assume you can get away with spending less time on your book cover than someone who’s publishing a physical book. But e-book covers …

It’s not cheap to build an app. One source says that building a simple functions app like a timer or a tip calculator costs upwards of $10,000. A more complicated …

Naming your business is an exciting part of building your new brand. Start by brainstorming and come up with as many ideas as you can. Once you’ve exhausted your ideas, …

Editor’s Note: Thanks to Priyanka Prakash of Fundera for this guest post on e-commerce website policies. Just like any venture, your e-commerce business needs to outline its policies from the …

As an e-commerce seller, you do everything you can to make more revenue. That’s why you spend so many hours attending conferences, researching products, and learning from experts on YouTube.  …