
What’s the right balance of text to photo on an Amazon listing? Do users prefer seeing the product packaging on a listing? These were some of the questions addressed in …

Advertising expert David Ogilvy stated, “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent …

Designing a mystery cover can be tricky. You want to capture the mystery of your book without giving the reader too much information. In other words, you want a mystery …

“You don’t seem that short,” people often tell author Seth Ulinski. At 5’7″, Seth is three inches below average height. In the introduction to his book Amazing Heights: How Short …

Viewers can draw strong conclusions from the tiny app icons in an app store. In that split second that they view the icon, they determine not only what type of …

When designing a book cover, it’s important to consider the emotions that you want your audience to feel. This often determines whether the person buys the book. In other words, …

SPLASH! I’m sure you’ve been there — that gut-wrenching moment when your phone fell from your hands and into water. You try the rescue tactics: blowing on it. Sticking it …

The logo is one of the staples of your business. It establishes your brand. It distinguishes your company from others. Therefore, it’s important to make sure that you have tested …

When designing an ad, app, book cover, or any piece of marketing, it’s important to consider the target audience. Results from a recent PickFu poll show how filtering a target …

Editor’s Note: Thanks to Caleb Kaiser at for contributing the following guest post. The publishing world earned its reputation for being opaque. If you want even basic data points, …