Mother’s Day became an official U.S. holiday in 1914, but that doesn’t mean the past 100+ years have taught us to do it right. We surveyed 100 moms to ask …

Editor’s Note: Thanks to Becky Trowbridge from eComEngine for the following guest post. From establishing buyer trust to influencing search results, building and maintaining a strong Amazon seller reputation is …

You might think you remember what it’s like to be a kid, but when it comes to creating a book cover that appeals to children, you probably shouldn’t depend on …

Editor’s Note: Thanks to Urtasker for the following guest post. E-commerce is one of the best and most effective ways to earn a return on your investment. And Amazon offers …

When readers pick up a book about the end of the world, do they want the cover to hint at the ending? Or is that too much information, taking away …

Sam Bass, designer of popular logos such as AT&T, Warner Brothers, and United Airlines, once said, “Logos are a graphic extension of the internal realities of a company.” That puts …

What’s the right balance of text to photo on an Amazon listing? Do users prefer seeing the product packaging on a listing? These were some of the questions addressed in …

What are double-barreled questions? A double-barreled question, also known as a compound question, a double-ended question, or a double-direct question, is a question that touches upon two different issues. However, …

Advertising expert David Ogilvy stated, “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent …

Designing a mystery cover can be tricky. You want to capture the mystery of your book without giving the reader too much information. In other words, you want a mystery …