
Embrace the data and explore tools and methods designed to help you build your business.

Since the dawn of time, humanity has been asking the big questions: why are we here? What is the meaning of life? If we put the sign-up button in the …

Monadic testing is a research-based testing concept. But what is it and when should you use it? How should monadic testing complement other kinds of testing, such as focus groups or …

You’ve done your research. For hours, you and your team have brainstormed a product idea and you’re pretty sure it fulfills an existing pain point in your customers. You’re so …

If you’re an established brand, chances are you’ve created a focus group before to get feedback on a product or idea. You invited a group of participants, offered a reward, …

PickFu is one of the best polling platforms out there to help you make business decisions. As a consumer research platform for app developers, online sellers, entrepreneurs, and more, our …

What are double-barreled questions? A double-barreled question, also known as a compound question, a double-ended question, or a double-direct question, is a question that touches upon two different issues. However, …

Editor’s Note: Thanks to Caleb Kaiser at for contributing the following guest post. The publishing world earned its reputation for being opaque. If you want even basic data points, …

When you create a PickFu poll, you have the option to poll your own audience or pose the question to the PickFu panel, a pool of respondents that span many …

PickFu offers a range of products for your polling needs. When you’re testing three or more ideas, you can choose between PickFu Ranked and PickFu Head-to-Head.

Creating unbiased poll questions will help you achieve unbiased results. One of the biggest benefits of polling is accessing an audience of people who have no familiarity with your product, …